Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well, someone's certainly having a laugh.

I was out tonight at a fundraiser, organised by a friend of mine, in 4 Dame Lane. The set-up was great: good DJ's, nice crowd, funky visuals and an 'art swap'. Everyone was having a super time but at twenty five past eleven there was suddenly a mass exodus from the joint.

Cinderellas heading home for a twelve o' clock curfew? Think again. These people, myself included, were all heading for the last bus home, knowing that if we stayed out any longer, we'd have to pay an extortionate taxi fare to get home.

Dublin Bus's decision to scrap all Monday to Thursday Nitelink routes is farcical. I genuinely believe people will be less likely to venture out into town, meaning the pubs and clubs will suffer, establishments will close and people will lose jobs.

I try to avoid moaning about the recession but I really think the approach taken to public transport is ludicrous, particularly when you consider that there are to be more daytime bus-routes scrapped in coming weeks.

In the immortal words of Tommy Tiernan: The World is F*cked.

Please sign/set up a petition in your local area opposing less frequent bus-routes and sign here to call for the Nitelink's return.

[Image: Ronan Fitzgerald]

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