Friday, July 03, 2009

Barometer of Judgement

Love it:

True Blood - How this fantastic series remains without an Irish distributor is beyond me. Directed by 'Six Feet Under' creator Alan Ball, the series is set in a reality where vampires have come out into the open following the invention of synthetic blood. Starring Anna Paquin as Sookie and Stephen Moyer as her vampire love-interest Bill, the series has been rather aptly described by Aideen as 'Twilight for grown-ups'.

Slightly Blue - This nifty little device scours collections of Flickr photographs for images that match a colour of your choice. I haven't a clue what practical uses it might serve but it's fun to play around with it and test its accuracy.

Twitter - Yes, I was initially skeptical of the 'micro-blogging' site and I do think a lot of the jibes directed at those who 'tweet' are entirely justified. However, the use of the site by Iranian civilians to orchestrate rallies has convinced me of Twitter's merits and watching the hysteria surrounding Michael Jackson's death unfold in real time on the site was fascinating.

When Saints Go Machine - If you hold my musical tastes in any regard at all, you need to get your hands on a copy of the Swedish band's album 'Ten Makes A Face'. Oh, and while you're at it, check out their self-titled EP.

Can't Speak French - This genius idea by the girls from Bluebirds Are So Natural involves converting the lyrics to popular songs into French through online 'translators' and then re-converting the resulting French back into English. e.g. 'This time baby I’ll be Bulletproof' becomes 'This baby of time, is it with test of the balls.' Amazing.

Shove it:

Sexist McCoy's Ad
- Yorkie already did this. Far better.

No More Ad Hoc in Temple Bar - Where the jiggins are people going to get zebra-print tights, diamond encrusted whistles and metallic bow-ties now that this Dublin institution has closed up shop?

Perez Hilton
- I'm becoming increasingly convinced that this man is, in fact, the anti-Christ.

Murray Mania
- How can the Brits get so excited about the sporting success of a character who doesn't seem remotely excited himself? Henman hardy epitomised charisma but he was at least able to serve up a smile once in a while, unlike this chap, who lives up to the stereotype of the dour Scot.

Avenue Q's Final Curtain - After a run that lasted over 6 years, my favourite Broadway musical will close on September 13, 2009. If you've never experienced the irreverent puppety brilliance of this show during its run, it really does suck to be you.

[Image: Baltimore 21201]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True Blood is filling the Buffy void, alright.

I shall make Avenue Q a Broadway priority. ;)