Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stars In Their Eyes

Any Dubliners left with a Fringe-sized cultural void in their lives this week need fret not. The next few days should provide ample opportunity to indulge in arty farty delicacies.

On Friday, Dublin plays host to its annual Culture Night, with late night gallery and museum openings and an array of free events, tours, talks and performances across the capital.

In this week's Le Cool, Jeanette Farrell addresses the mildly offensive suggestion buried in the premise of Culture Night: that for 364 days of the year we carry on like uncultured slobs and then cram our annual fix of high-brow entertainment into a six-hour period on a particular date. However, she rightfully acknowledges that it's impossible to disrepect the event on these grounds because "it's just too lovely."

The full timetable can be seen here and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for unscheduled performances by a kazoo chorus in various locations around the City Centre.

As if that weren't enough excitment for one weekend, Sunday sees D-Light Studios hosting an intriguing one-day indoor arts festival. Stargaze will feature a diversity of artists and entertainers from disclipines including music, fine art, theatre, film, food and fashion.

Contemporary artist Áine Macken, will curate a collection of emerging Irish talents in fields such as sculpture, photography, painting, installation, performance, graffiti and video. Musicians and DJ’s will perform throughout the day and visitors will be invited to dabble in a series of interactive activities, ranging from lessons in origami to salsa dancing.

Two of the pieces from the play I've directed, 'Bash', will be performed. I'm pretty psyched for this because the space is nothing short of amazing and will hopefully suit our performances really well.

The festival runs from 10am to 10pm and, considering just how much is happening, tickets priced at €10 are worthy of Arnotts' Bargain Basement.

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