Sea Kittens - A very clever strategy by PETA to generate interest in preventing cruelty to fish. No, really.
ARK Angel - Belfast boy Cameron Stewart's brilliant initiative to use stylish t-shirts to make the world a better place.
Springtime - I suspect I might suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder because I feel so much more chipper when it's bright and warm. That said, if you think I'm going to surrender an hour of my life to 'daylight savings', you've got another thing coming.
Miley Cyrus - The ironic appreciation I acquired from Liana for Billy Ray's pride and joy has blossomed into full-blown amour. I'm quite looking forward to her showdown with Tyra in Hannah Montana - The Movie.
Oxegen Line-up - Bloc Party, Lady Gaga, Foals, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Friendly Fires, Florence and the Machine, Blur, TV on the Radio, Ladyhawke and Lily Allen to name but a few. Get in there.
Shove It:
Electric Picnic in Jeopardy - Rumours abound that Electric Picnic might not happen at all this year. Very worrying.
Inadvertently Repeating One's Self - "Have you heard this song?" "Oh yeah, I saw it on your blog." Oh. "Did I tell you about X?" "No, but I read your blog-post so I'm up to speed." Lovely.
Dublin Bus - Something of a fixture in the 'Shove It' section. Their most recent gaffe was scrapping the 2-Easy bus passes, making it that extra bit awkward to avoid those head-wrecking refund slips.
Jade's Vultures - The media's coverage of every detail of Jade Goody's deterioration is extremely sinister but I suppose, in a way, tragically fitting.
Nightmares - I realise I'm a bit old to be waking in the night from bad dreams but my sub-conscious has been presenting me with some seriously warped scenarios of late.

[Image: ABC]
I heard about the PETA thing a while ago ....how CRAZY is it?
Miley is a bit of a wenchy eejit, but I like a couple of her new songs.
And .....that's it I think.
Oh wait, the Jade thing ....it's just plain wrong and creepy and exploitation at it's worst. Plus I've heard lots of people on the radio really upset because themselves or their family members are suffering from cancer and have this shoved in their faces all the time.
Damn, ignore my bad grammar ...I'm currently trying to work and blog/blog-stalk ....it's hard .... :(
Was that the reasoning behind Copper Face?
I doubt that very much.
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