Since coming to Edinburgh, I haven't seen any television. None at all.
I know. Crazy, right?
This hasn't bothered me really. Why sit in watching telly when there's so much else to do? The only thing I'm disappointed about missing is coverage of the Olympic Games. Normally, I would follow the progress of the Irish athletes, most of whom tend to bow out in the earlier stages of competition.
Today I learned that, after winning in the quarter finals of their respective weight classifications, three Irish boxers have secured medals at The Games. This is fantastic news, made all the better by the fact that one of the three, Darren 'The Dazzler' Sutherland, studied in DCU while I was there.
C'mon The Dazzler!
*I've never actually spoken to the guy but it's still pretty cool to have shared a campus with an Olympic medalist.
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