The track that grabbed my attention most was one called 'Revolving', with its lyrics about wind-up toys and layered vocals. Boutique label Neon Gold seemed to take a shine to this track too and, now that it's been given a lick of production paint, they're set to release it as a limited edition single.
I had the pleasure of meeting SPARK (aka Jess Morgan) when she supported Marina and the Diamonds in Dublin back in May and she seemed slightly overwhelmed by the level of interest she had been receiving all of a sudden. Let's hope she's come to terms with the attention in the meantime because this track looks likely to send the hype machine into overdrive.
The track has also been given a gorgeous string-laden 'reworking' by the ever-dependable Monsieur Adi, which I think I might even prefer to the original arrangement.
Spark - Revolving (Monsieur Adi Rework, Allegro in C Minor)
I know for a fact that there are a clutch of pop gems in her arsenal yet to surface online but, until they do, I'll gladly make do with grimy b-side Wrap and this charming rendition of 'Damage Done' for The Mahogany Sessions that I stumbled upon over on Breaking More Waves:
She looks like Karen Birney in the pic! Sounds a little bit like Flo.
Greaat read thanks
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