Sunday, November 02, 2008

Blog On

So, I only managed a measly five posts in all of October. Pretty pathetic, I'm sure you'll agree. That said, it's a pretty accurate reflection of 'where I'm at'.

I've spent the last few weeks running around like a headless chicken, trying to fulfill the various commitments I've taken on and touch base with all of my favourite people. Those of you that know me are probably thinking: 'What's new?' but, at the moment, it's really not sitting right.

The reason I tend to get involved in so many projects is because I love trying out new things, challenging myself and, if I'm honest, being a little bit stressed. Right now, it just doesn't seem worth it though. I'm not enjoying myself at all and I feel like I'm not spending enough time with my friends to sustain a proper connection.

This might all sound like self-indulgent tripe but it's really beginning to get me down. I'm not sure how I go about remedying the situation but I'm hoping reading week will give me a chance to clear my head and get back on track.

Things will work out just fine. They always do.

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